Sunday, July 5, 2015

France Travels: Update

We arrived safely in Saint Bertrand de Comminges and successfully located our home for the month. Unfortunately it was filthy. The rodents appear to be departed (either dead or gone) but left behind their signature. We also don't believe that the kitchen had been cleaned since it was last painted instead of being washed. Same goes for the contents. The floors are unspeakable. It reminded us both of some of the grottier places we've lived as poor young people. The only upside is the pretty pottery dishes and the antique liquor we found; and the amazing location. Our landlord is nice, but definitely needs glasses. We think the former owner of the pretty pottery, embroidered linen sheets and antimacassars (crochet doilies) must be rolling over in her grave to know the state her home has gotten into. We discovered these things after cautious inquiry into the contents of a few armoire,  liberated them from their arachnid possessors and washed them thoroughly.

After 8 hours labour by us both there are enough clean dishes and clean parts of the kitchen that Sarah cooked an omelet from the delicious eggs brought by one of our neighbours. The positives of this part of the world are many: forest, farmland, hiking, rivers, castles, roman ruins, frogs! These things have kept us from leaving. We do hope that we've managed to engage a 'femme de menage' - which we believe is a house keeper, to come and do war with the filth the day after tomorrow.

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