Thursday, April 16, 2015

Sicily: Mosquitos

I'm Canadian, therefore, I know about mosquitos. I grew up beside a swamp and spent many lovely times messing around in the water, and necessarily got bitten by mosquitos a few times. These things happen. My wonderful husband, Christopher is a mosquito magnet usually, because he is so sweet. I am familiar with Mexican mosquitos, American mosquitos and as mentioned, Canadian mosquitos. Sicilian mosquitos are a whole other matter. For one thing, they find me much sweeter than Christopher, they only come out in the deep of night, and their bites are itchier 2 days later.

I remember my English dad reacting this way to our Canadian mosquitos, and I wonder if there is some national vigour in the venom of these little bitters. They know I'm not from here, so have no compunction against injecting more spit and driving me away!

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