Friday, May 22, 2015

Sicily: Balestrate Beach

I realize looking back over our posts, that as much as we enjoy the beach, we've posted no photos of it. That is probably because we are living in the moment, not thinking for the future! Today, I decided would be the day to photograph the beach. It was just the way I like it, deserted. Isla and I only had to share that 10km of sand with a handful of other people. Perfect!

The beach today from our deck.

 Isla loves going to the beach because it means she gets to fetch her frisbee lots and there is always swimming. Today, the waves were really big, almost surf, so there wasn't as much swimming as she likes. Here she is sitting at the bottom of our street, just as it hits the Beach. Incidentally, the street continues as a sort of sandy track and connects a number of beach homes.
 I'm certain I've mentioned the horse stables near us, the horses are regularly exercised by daily trots to and along the beach pulling a sulky. A sulky being a 2 wheeled open buggy.
 Isla surfing to get her frisbee. I did mis-calculate a few times when my throws went wild (due to wind) and she had some big surf to contend with.
 This is Alcamo Marina. These homes are right on the beach. The are largely deserted still, although we understand they come alive in July and August when every Italian wants to be on the beach.
 This was the beach today. Isn't it lovely?
I found a number of these on the beach - they look like hairballs from the sea...

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