Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Rain, Rain Go Away!

This is the rainiest spring/summer I can remeber here in the Yukon. Now, that isn't that long, but other folks with lots of years in agree. We haven't had to water the lawns or the gardens for, oh, I can't remember how long. Speaking of how long, the grass is out of control. With all the rain I can't get it cut. Shaggy grass makes everything look a little more unkempt.

Friends of ours were over last evening to assist with the chain saw mill and we were talking about how lush the garden looks now compared to how it looks in the spring. I don't clean the garden out in the fall because I like how the snow forms irregular shapes on what is left of my garden. I also like when little birds, chickadees and red polls eat the seeds left on the dry stems. The consequence is that in the spring it looks like our garden has been sprayed with some sort of chemical defoliant. Until that is our perrenials start pushing up and I take that radical step to clean everthing out.

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