Thursday, May 7, 2009

Faschist Fish!

We had a wonderful 5 hour tour around Ustica Island yesterday. Our guide took us to all the grottoes and pointed out areas of interest. He was obviously very sad we could not learn all about the fabulous island he loves as we have no Italian and even less Sicilian.

After circumnavigating the island we fished in three small coves. I was satisfied with the one fish I caught in the first hour, as was Chris. but this was not good enough! We must have more fish, or at least use up the bait. After sitting off the mouth of the port for what felt like 2 hours we finally succeed in using up the bait and had amassed a small number of fish in our bucket. We were all exhausted by the effort. And the 2 Canadians were a little crispy. Gentle Readers, do not think it was not a good time, it was. It was also just a trifle long. Afterwards we fell exhausted into a nap that was terminated by outrageous ringing from the Salvador Dali decorated church just outside our balcony. We still have no idea what the purpose of the celebration was, but bells were required.

Today Chris will work while I circumnaviate the island by bike. All 12km of it... A major effort is required. Perhaps even a mountain will be scaled, or a swim in the Azure waters....

Other notable events of the day? Chris had his hair cut. I would learn to slow down to this breakneck pace eventually I am sure.

I almost forgot about the cat man of the port. When we were waiting for our guide to procure rod and reel we watched the fishermen futz with their nets. One in particular had the avid attention of untold pairs of cat eyes. We could not understand it as other cats in town seemed quite skittish. Then of course we grasped the meaning - he likes cats and feeds them pieces of fish from his net. When I saw him in town later I was surprised to see no cats following him. I had expected a pied piper of ustica situation but with cats instead of rats....

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah and Chris,
    Much happening in Saskatoon, need to catch up on your holiday and will attempt to do that later today. Will also email you via hotmail Sarah. Seems your email to me was identified as spam and I can't access it as it was too old. Sorry,
