Friday, June 14, 2024

Shetland: J and S: The Wool Broker

An amazing experience at the wool brokers’ when we stopped in. I was after a Shetland fleece. The bins of fleece were empty because this year’s shearing hasn’t started yet. Then a voice in a Shetland accent called us over - and it was Oliver Henry. Shetland famous, and famous in the wool world as the patron saint of Shetland wool. 

He personally chose these two fleece for me. The one is a ‘Sheala’ a steely grey fleece. The other is a katmollet, white on top and grey underneath - rather like my hair now! 

He graded them and removed the britches and some paint. He smelled them, to make sure they were still fresh. One was discarded because the smell wasn’t right. These wet chosen because of their strength and overall beauty. Very nice fleece according to this internationally renown wool judge. 

Me in a joyous state over the wool. 

And gave me and my friend Char a brief tour. This is the poster of the colours of Shetland sheep with their Shetland names. 

An antique loom that the team at J&S restored o we the winter. 

Mr Henry described how the better jobs situation in Shetland resulting from the oil and gas work starting in the 1979’s resulted in the abandonment of these looms - unlike in the western isles like Harris. 

We then sat and reviewed all the patterns and enjoy the vibe. 

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