Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Whitehorse Beautiful Morning

I share an office now, with an office mate who only works from our shared offfice on Tuesday mornings. So, Tuesday mornings I work from home. It’s a nice balance for me, because I really enjoy the sociability of the office after being away fro it for a while. Anyway, it is awesome when my work from home morning coincides with beautiful weather. 

Sun, light breeze and 6 degrees! Perfect for me. 

Monday, August 26, 2024

Whitehorse Pottery

Being reunited with some of our stuff has been really nice. Despite the property manager renting our house to what appeared to be feral humans who don’t know how houses work they also apparently don’t know how teapots work, so my rocket ship teapot, creamer and cups made it through.

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Whitehorse Salmon

It’s amazing the things that make you feel at home. Cutting salmon and freezing it makes me feel right at home. I was able to buy two wild Taku River salmon. I’ve got it portioned and in the freezer, with scraps scavenged from the carcass to make salmon burgers tomorrow. 

And fish stock on the stove to get every once of goodness from those delicious fish. 

Thursday, August 15, 2024

It’s Back

The trolley is back downtown. It doesn’t go as far, but it is running. 

And in related news, the snow is back too. 

Wednesday, August 14, 2024