Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Spring Clean Up - Fluffing The Rock Wall Garden

We took a portion of Sarah's morning before work to begin the spring prune and clean up of the rock garden...

Puppy may have had to wait a little before she got her walk...

Monday Beach Day

Sarah took the day off work for a beach day walk at Cornwallis...

Saturday, March 25, 2023

A new piece of furniture

This will go in the corner. It’s from around 1830, oak and coat is $400. We saw it a while back and it really stuck in our minds as the right piece for the grand entrance. 

Friday, March 24, 2023

Foggy Basin

The fog rolled in the other morning as we were walking the dog. Through the fog you can just see Granville Ferry. 

Easter Bunny

I finally finished him!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Tallest Wooden Church in Canada

And no one can afford to fix it. Apparently it is going to be torn down. How sad. We saw it on our trip to Mavilette beach. It is on the French shore right beside University Saint Anne (the anglicized spelling thanks to my keyboard). 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Attacking the Quince Bush

This bush had gotten out of control and we never found the time to do anything about it. Until today! I didn’t start photographing until the process was well underway. It had some of the hardest wood we have ever encountered.

Consultations about how much more to take out included our carpenter who had very firm opinions about it. He may have even deployed his very handy Olfa knife. 

And now! It grew Easter eggs! 

Sarah's Beloved Pantry - Upgraded!

Here are Christopher's last pics of Sarah's completed (except for painting someday after the kitchen is done) pantry renovation. Sarah may have had to do some drinking to cope with the 2 day pantry reno mess.  Also... a couple of Sarah outside working and enjoying the sun. This sunny happening helped us find the first crocus bulb that has bloomed in our yard. The wallpaper is now all the way around the GRAND Front Entry walls and up the main staircase.

Pantry Upgrade

This week our regular carpenter Darrell Hudson put in a butcher block countertop and modified some shelves so we could put our new fridge into the pantry. Phew! It was a bit stressful. Anytime my kitchen is ‘off line’ I get out of sorts. And the fridge wasn’t working in the original location//orientation in the pantry. After a bit of a re-think we got it sorted. The nicely oiled butcher block. 

The old fridge:

And the new fridge:

It’s hard to photograph, because the space is so tight in the pantry. 

Thursday, March 16, 2023

A Couple of Extra Days...

We are happy to report that Darrell had a couple of extra days available this week and we are taking full advantage. 

Sarah's pantry is getting a bit of a makeover...

Hearth Mount Stove Surround

The finished woodwork... so amazingly done... no caulking was used by Darrell Hudson. The man's finish woodworking skills are old school legendary.