A number of years ago now, Chris and I travelled to San Diego in California for our winter get away. There is a public space there which includes an "international village". Little buildings which are occupied by expat groups from around the world. The highlight is the Sunday afternoon snacking. Guess what the American house served? Yes, hot dogs. The Israelis were serving latkes, lovely ones. I asked for the recipie and here it is;
2 lbs potatoes, shredded/grated
1 onion, shredded/grated
2 eggs
salt & pepper
1/4c matzo meal or flour
1/4 tsp baking powder
non-stick cooking spray
1. Pre heat the oven to 425.
2. mix all the ingredients in a large bowl
3. scoop latke mix out using a 1/4c measure squashing the mix into the cup to form a circular mound when you put it on the baking tray.
4. bake for 15 minutes then turn and bake 10 minutes more.
They were so good that half were gone by the time I got the camera out.